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Today, consumers are more interested in the ingredients and production technologies of the foods they buy to protect themselves from diseases such as cancer, hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, which are rapidly spreading with their working life and eating habits. As a matter of fact, consumers’ interest in foods introduced as “Natural” or “Organic” lately, on the other hand, whether any additives are added in the industrial production stages or whether the food is exposed to any physical/chemical processes that will affect its nutritional value are among the features considered. .
The oils obtained by the cold press technique are not exposed to a high degree of heat treatment during the press (40-50 °C), no solvent is used during the extraction of oil from the raw material, and natural antioxidants, phosphatids, cerebrosides, carotenoids, which are partially removed from the oil during the refining stages in conventional oil production, They come to the fore in terms of nutritional value because they contain some substances such as phytosterols and phytosterols at higher rates.
Since the oils produced with the cold press technique are not exposed to high temperature values during the pressing, trans fatty acids are not formed and the bioactive compounds in it are not damaged. This is extremely important in terms of both health and nutritional value in foods. Cold press technique; It is one of the techniques used in the production of the highest quality vegetable oils.